Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety, I am a wreck! My Nerves are Bad, Today!


Are you wired to worry?  When you don’t quite know what to do, is it frustrating and you  feel really uncomfortable, especially if other people  are around?  Are you always thinking, “Should I go here? Should I go there? Am I in someone’s way?  I worry about things like getting my work done…Will I get it done? How am I going to do it?”  If you are going to be in a big crowd does it make you nervous about what you are going to do and say and what other people are going to do and say.  Are you constantly panicking about how you are going to deal with all that is happening in your life, relationships and career? 

Or, do you live your life wishing you could make a difference in the world and are afraid to take action.  At times, you feel like you are having a heart attack because your heart is racing so fast .  And, like a tape, these thoughts  and others seem to loop around and around in your head like an old recording video cartridge  tape.  You can’t stop thinking, worrying or doubting about something or another.  HOLLA!  There is hope.  You may be experiencing what is called anxiety.  Anxiety is referred to in many cultures by may names and saying such as “My nerves are bad; She is just high-strung, Don’t push him you know how he gets…….fill in the blank with a few choices phrases you remember from childhood, work, school, or relationships.

Let us image for a moment you have an important date tomorrow but you heart is racing and your mind is giving you nothing but what-ifs.  What it I am not fully prepared?  What if it goes badly.  You are running out of time.  the last thing you need is all this anxiety.  Hold on, a little anxiety  may be a ‘Good Thing’ just what you need to focus your efforts and perform at your peak, psychologist say.  Somewhere between checked out and freaked out lies an anxiety sweet spot, some researchers say, in which a person is motivated to succeed yet not so anxious that performance takes a dive. This moderate amount of anxiety keeps people on their toes, enables them to juggle multiple tasks and puts them on high alert for potential problems.

However, when you are a ‘born worrier’ anxiousness goes to the extreme, you are forever anticipating the dropping of some dreaded other shoe.  Just so you know, anxiety is not fear, not exactly, because fear is focused on something right in front of you in the present moment, a real and objective danger.  Anxiety is instead like a fear gone wild, a general sense of dread, something bad is going to happen, something out there that we perceive as menacing.  The reality is there is not anything menacing, and may not even be out there.  When you are anxious, you find it difficult to talk yourself out of this losing battle of feelings; you become trapped in an endless loop of what-ifs.  Paralyzed.

There is another possibility and that is some people cannot get anything done without some level of anxiety. “There are people who subconsciously set life up to give them a thrill, by always being almost late, nearly missing a deadline, spending more than they should,” says Marianne Legato, a professor of clinical  medicine at Columbia University in New York. “I call them fretters.”

Regular screening in a primary care or healthcare settings will help you will  help you with earlier identification of issues before they become huge, overwhelming problems which means for the moment “Ask for help” today.  There are screenings that can be done for all ages, even the young and elderly.  Here is two tips:

1. BREATHE:  You’re already doing it, yes. But are you doing it in a way that reduces anxiety? Your body releases 70 percent of its toxins through breathing. Breathe Deeply.

2.  STAY IN YOUR BODY:  Be here, now.  Anxiety almost always takes place when your brain is fixated on the future OR the past. Worry is usually about something you think will happen sooner or later that will be very bad. Rarely do we panic about something that is going on in the present moment.  Someone once said, “Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance.”

BEVERLY DRBEV JACKSON, Licensed, Nationally Certified Psychotherapist  to real -people with regular lives, doing regular things, and experiencing real-time drama, trauma, and chaos in their life.”  She is a Certified Gestalt (Reality) Therapist.  She is Real, Raw, and Authentic. Let’s take action and save you time, pain, and emotional suffering.  What? What! What is your problem and what are you going to do about it?  Contact DrBev Mental Health Counseling for information, education and knowledge about Emotions R Us.

DrBev specializes in helping survivors of traumatic experiences achieve peace of mind and transformation; She teaches you how to communicate with love in all your relationships most compassionately YOU.  DrBev assist you as you strive for self-awareness and thrive for what will help you most in the long term, emotionally.

Additionally,  Life Coaching available, just because, you just know that there’s got to be  MORE to life than the existence you now find yourself living?  Lets’ take you to the next level TRANSFORMATION.  Give yourself MORE! Be MORE. Today. DrBev provides a wide variety of services  U.S. and Abroad via  telephone, Skype, and in person. Couples and Individuals welcomed for counseling, coaching, and VIP services.  Let today be the first day of your new life and new story. DrBev is here to assist. Contact information.

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