Stay in your own Lane!
Some people just don’t know when to stop. When enough is enough. They continue to get out of their lane and into yours. Continue to push your buttons until they get on your last nerves.
Some people just don’t know when to stop. When enough is enough. They continue to get out of their lane and into yours. Continue to push your buttons until they get on your last nerves.
Think back to the schoolyard playground, or the neighborhood bully – or fast forward to the woman at work, the cashier at the supermarket, or a spouse even. Somebody, somewhere who just let loose and mentally abused you… BECAUSE YOU LET THEM! DrBev and her guest Patricia Noll discuss emotional health and self-esteem.
Are you dating someone with children? Moved in with a lover and you both have children. Planning an engagement event? Preparing for a Civil Union, Domestic Partnership or Marriage Ceremony? Thinking about making a house, home and family? Have you ever asked your child how they feel when you break-up, make-up or get into a new…