
Are you a ‘Dime’ piece Worthy of a Dollar? Emotions R Us, In DrBev’s World

You must love and value yourself if you are to love others. You have to respect yourself and acknowledge your own self-worth. Does this make you selfish? No. It makes you responsible. Remember DrBev’s Gestalt principle #4 “TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.” In DrBev’s World, here to save you time pain, and emotional suffering.

THERAPEUTIC THURSDAY…DrBev, What to do, My Marriage – Relationship is not going very Well?

It’s the rare couple that doesn’t, sooner or later, run into a few bumps in the road. If you recognize ahead of time what those relationship problems can be, you’ll have a much better chance of weathering the storm. Ideally, a couple should discuss certain basic issues — such as money, sex, and kids —…