Really? Really! Your Anxiety Won’t Ruin Your Relationship With the Right Person
Stop, Drop and Roll. This is all about you. Your awareness. Your inner dialogue with yourself. Your anxiety will chase away the wrong person!!! Really? Really!
Stop, Drop and Roll. This is all about you. Your awareness. Your inner dialogue with yourself. Your anxiety will chase away the wrong person!!! Really? Really!
Some people just don’t know when to stop. When enough is enough. They continue to get out of their lane and into yours. Continue to push your buttons until they get on your last nerves.
Relationships are kinda like the weather, just wait a few minutes and it might change. But what really constitutes a great relationship? What if your relationship is perfectly FINE? Of course that depends on how you define F.I.N.E.
DrBev takes on a topic that impacts about every one of us RELATIONSHIPS.