
DrBev, Break up to Make up that’s all I DO

If you would like take whatever steps that are necessary to heal your past, forgive and let go, and live in the present moment. Make an action; DrBev has a few available counseling slots for private clients via, Skype, Telephone, or In-Person. Subscribe to DrBev’s World www.drbevmentalhealth.com. Comment on this article and receive 75% off Consultation fee. Request your discount @ DrBev @ drbevmentalhealth.com.

Feeling insecure in relationships may predispose people to later health problems

People who feel insecure about their attachments to others might be at higher risk for cardiovascular problems than those who feel secure in their relationships, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association. Participants rated themselves on three attachment styles – secure, avoidant, and anxious. Secure attachment refers to feeling able to…