Teens Living In An Age Of Fear
Society and circumstances are changing faster than any of us can fully comprehend. If you blink – you’ll find yourself ten steps behind and technologically out of date. Let’s face it – it is a different playing field today and if you don’t have the right tools and the proper mindset – you’re lost! Just look at these numbers…
The average teen sends close to 3,000 texts a month. Think about it for a minute, and you’ll get a sense of how their world is changing. Where is the room for quiet personal time, a moment of privacy?
In this episode of Emotions R Us DrBev has as a guest Donna C. Moss, MA, LCSW-R, a skilled adolescent, young adult and family therapist who writes about the Internet, relationships, technology, divorce and other issues in mental health.
For the complete article, visit America OutLoud.